
By- Laws - May 23, 2012



Mission Statement:

“We are a pro-active committee in Riverview working towards the prevention of crime through the development of community partnerships, education and increased public awareness.”

Our Purpose

1.      To build the collective wisdom and experience of the community of Riverview as we work together in building a safe and healthy environment.

a.         The COMMITTEE shall hold regular monthly meetings, with the exceptions of July and August.

b.         COMMITTEE selection shall be decided by the COMMITTEE of the whole.
            Riverview Crime Prevention Committee encourages the Town of Riverview to appoint a Town Councilor to act as liaison between the Town Council and the COMMITTEE.

c.         The RCMP shall be represented by an officer or an alternate with voice and vote on the committee to provide updates on local community issues.


1.1              In these By-laws:

(a)                COMMITTEE means the Riverview Crime Prevention Committee (RCPC).
(b)               YEAR means the operating year of the COMMITTEE. The YEAR shall be from September 1 to August 31.
(c)                MEMBER means any person who meets the qualifications of the COMMITTEE.
(d)               OFFICER refers to one of the voting members of the EXECUTIVE.
(e)                EXECUTIVE refers to the collective group of members which includes the following positions;

Vice President
Past President



2.1       Membership on the committee shall be open to persons recognized by the   COMMITTEE as representatives within Riverview.  The COMMITTEE shall also       be composed of individuals representing a special interest group or specific        segment of the Riverview populations (students, children’s schools, senior citizens, MEGMA, minorities) as recognized by the COMMITTEE.

2.2       The COMMITTEE role is to search for proactive solutions in the areas of public     safety, security and crime prevention.


3.1.1    At the June meeting there shall be selected from among the voting MEMBERS                                  following EXECUTIVE positions that shall compose the EXECUTIVE.
President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer


3.2.1        The election of officers shall be by secret ballot vote or by acclamation.  They shall assume office following the June meeting of the Riverview Crime Prevention Committee, and serve one year up to a maximum of two years, or until the election and qualification of their successors.

3.2.2        Only voting MEMBERS in good standing shall have the right to vote at the June meeting for election or to hold office. The criteria for being a member in good standing must be approved by the committee as a whole, prior to the June meeting. All committee members are required to have a criminal check.

3.2.3        The President shall be the chair of all the official meetings and ensure that the meetings are conducted in an orderly and productive manner.  The President shall remain neutral except in the event of a voting tie where he/she will cast the deciding vote.

3.2.4         The Vice President shall chair all meetings where the President is unable to attend.  The Vice President shall be responsible to ensure that members are notified of meetings.

3.2.5        The Past President shall perform duties as assigned by the RCPC COMMITTEE.

3.2.6        The Secretary or alternate as assigned by the chair shall attend and suitably record in permanent form, all meetings of the RCPC COMMITTEE, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to the position.  The Secretary shall keep such records as may be necessary to record the business of the RCPC COMMITTEE.

3.2.7        Minutes of the RCPC COMMITTEE meetings will be forwarded to Town Council by the Secretary once reviewed by the President. Minutes shall be distributed at least one (1) a week before the next meeting

3.2.8        The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of any monies held by the                    RCPC COMMITTEE.

3.2.9        The signing of cheques shall require two (2) signatures. Signing Officers of the COMMITTEE shall be:

4.1.1      A nominating committee of a minimum of two (2) MEMBERS, one being
   the immediate or active Past President, shall be convened two months prior
               to the June meeting.

4.1.2    This RCPC COMMITTEE shall ensure that there is nomination for each position:                   
Vice President

4.1.3        The report of the Nominating Committee will be presented at the June meeting.

4.1.4         The MEMBERS whose names have been filed with the Secretary as nominees for   the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by a vote of the MEMBERS present at the June meeting.  Where there is no contest for a position, candidates shall be declared elected by acclamation. Where there is no nomination the committee shall make the selection to fill the position.


5.1.1        The RCPC COMMITTEE shall at all times have a Public Relations Officer who   shall be the President or designate.  Other committees may be formed as required.
5.1.2        Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.

5.1.3        The RCPC COMMITTEE shall meet upon the call of the EXECUTIVE.

5.1.4        At  regular or special meetings of the  RCPC COMMITTEE, all individual MEMBERS as approved and recorded by the EXECUTIVE, in attendance in good standing shall be entitled to vote.  Voting shall normally be by a show of hands, except for election of Officers which shall be by secret ballot.

5.1.5        Where a secret ballot is requested, the President shall appoint two MEMBERS to act as scrutineers.  Following the vote, the scrutineers shall verify and advise the MEMBERS of the result and then immediately destroy the ballots.

5.1.6        Members must be present at meeting in order to vote. No proxy voting shall be allowed.


6.1.1        The operating YEAR of the COMMITTEE shall begin on the first (1st) day of September in any YEAR, and end on the thirty-first (31st) day of August of the following YEAR.


7.1.1        A quorum for the all regular and special meetings shall be a minimum of 50% plus one (1) voting MEMBERS, including at least two of the EXECUTIVE.

7.1.2        Roberts Rule of Order shall prevail.

7.1.3        The order of business shall be as follows;
·         Reading/Adoption of agenda and minutes from previous meeting as circulated,
·         Business arising from the minutes,
·         Report from any special committee,
·         New Business,
·         Adjournment

7.1.4      Any MEMBER may be removed from office by a three/quarters vote of the voting   MEMBERS in attendance at a meeting.  A written request for such motion shall be made to the President and shall include grounds for the request.  The President shall advise the MEMBER in question of the request, and the MEMBER shall have full opportunity to defend themselves to the membership prior to any vote.

7.1.5    Committee members who are absent for more than two (2) meetings without demonstrating just cause shall not be considered a member in good standing.


8.1.1    All purchases of goods or services in excess of $100.00 undertaken by the committee must first be presented to the committee. Upon the recommendation of the committee, three quotes must be obtained and presented at a subsequent meeting for approval. Preference will be given to quotes from a Riverview business or service provider, based on merit and competitiveness.


9.1.1    The by-laws of the RCPC COMMITTEE maybe amended at any General or special meeting of the COMMITTEE by an affirmative vote of three-quarters of the MEMBERS present, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to each MEMBER 14 days prior to the meeting.

By- Law Committee
Amended May 23, 2012

Cecile Cassista, Secretary
Nelson Vessey, Committee Member